Monday, January 12, 2015

Still Foolin' Em: Where I've been, where I'm going and where the hell are my keys?- Billy Crystal

Billy Crystal sure knows how to tell a story. Not only tell a story but make it humorous, funny and touching. While this may be the story of his life it feels more like he is standing there telling you the story one on one. It did help that I listened to the audio book, which he narrated himself, so yes I did have Billy Crystal there telling me everything. The audio book does actually have a few of the chapters read 'live' in front of an audience, making the story telling that much more fun.

While it did not feel like a particularly long book and the tales are told in varying order, mostly from childhood to the age of 65, it sped by so fast that I found myself sad when I realised the end was near and I wouldn't hear more of this amazing funny man that I love.

There was a lot about his life that I simply did not know beforehand, which made the story even more enjoyable for me as I learnt all sorts of fun things about him. He touched on some of the movies he has made, his friends throughout the years, his family and living as a Jew. Don't be fooled into thinking this will be a retelling of the movies he has made with various other celebrities as it mainly focuses on how certain aspects of a movie came to fruition.

A great audio book to listen to that engages you and makes you only love this funny funny man even more.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Clariel - Gath Nix

What a wonderful return to the Abhorsen world. I thoroughly enjoyed reentering this world, hundreds of years in the past before Sabriel, and seeing it from a different point of view. I would have loved to have follow an Abhorsen a little more and get to experience the bells and the world of the dead with the nine gates, but this angle was good also. 

Clariel was a character I came to like very early on for her wit and humour. Then as the story went on and she grew and evolved as a person I found that I still liked her. She is the true representation of the path to hell is paved with good intentions. 

The story started slowly and introduced a lot of things that the reader had not previously learned of In the previous books, but as soon as it started it was fast paced from then on not slowing down for the rest if the story. While I could tell exactly where the story was going as soon as she met with Aziminil and Baazalanan at the Abhorsen's house, I felt that was where the story needed to go and that not every heroine can always be a heroine, no matter how much a person tries to be one.

From the Author's note at the end, I will have to go back to Lirael and read the start again to reacquaint myself with a 600+ year old Clariel as Chlorr of the Mask. I can't wait for the promised further books of the Old Kingdom.