Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Cookie Club - Ann Pearlman

The Cookie Club (also known as The Christmas Cookie Club, which for some reason having the word "Christmas" in the title would have put me off completely) was a nice cute book. It didn't try to be anything I wasn't. It's simply the story of a group of women who gather each year and exchange cookies and their recipes, and catch up with each other. Plus being based on a real life cookie club made it that much more intriguing.

I loved the premise of the book and I actually jumped to the top of my reading list after an enthusiastic recommendation from the cashier where I bought it.

The book is written with such an ease that it makes you feel as though you are there or that Marnie is having a conversation with you and telling you everything that went on at The Cookie Club that year and nid bits of everyone's past.

There are some slight difficulties with this though. When Marnie starts talking about the past there is none of the usual literary hints that we are not just continuing what is going on at that time. The past is not written in italics, nor does it have a few lines left before the past text starts, making it sometimes hard to work out where the time line is. That could just be me with my simplicity and penchant for things being simple and in order, so other people may not be as bothered by it as I was.

All up this was a fun book that was easy to read over a long holiday weekend. If you are looking for a nice simple book where you don't have to think about complicated plots, then this is the book for you.