Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Inside Out - Maria V Snyder

Trella was born a scrub. A nobody. Squashed in with a thousand other nobodies in the lower levels. Her whole life is devoted to cleaning the pipes of "Inside" so that the Uppers can live perfect, hassle free, uncrowded lives. Or so the scrubs believe.

When the latest Prophet arrives in the lower levels spouting stories about Gateway, Trella is not in the least bit interested. But her friend Cogon falls hook, line and sinker for the
tales. Trella wants nothing more than to climb back into the pipes away from everyone, but is compelled to get the proof needed to prove the prophet, Broken Man, is a fake and save Cog the heart ache of more false hope.

Craziness ensues pulling Trella along with it as she becomes the unwitting face of a rebellion.

Explore the wonderful and intricate world Maria V Snyder has created with Trella as she works her way through the pipes into areas not known to both Scrubs and Uppers alike.

Jaki's Review
This amazing story has a similar flavour to Stephenie Meyer's The Host as both stories are set in a small dystopic world that you get to know very well through the main characters

adventures. Trella is a fantastic main character. She has great depth and qualities that most people will be able to identify with. While not perfect, Trella is flawed, as we all are. She has low self worth, as do all the Scrubs, droned into them from the Pop Cops who maintain order in the lower levels. She is not content with her place in life and is reluctantly ready to change that.

A very good well rounded read, and just remember there is a sequel coming out in May 2011. Outside In.